Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Category: Andro

Pittsburg, NH Connecticut River Fishing Report: 6/8

While the weather continues to be rainy and dismal, that hasn’t dampened the angling spirit of some of our guests here at the lodge. That’s Vivian Hernandez with a large Lake Francis Inlet lunker brown that she took on a wooly bugger on sink tip line yesterday – what’s even better is that this big guy was released!

Pittsburg Fishing Report 10/1/2012

There were lots of folks up this past weekend getting in their last few days of fishing before the close of the season. The big lakes, Lake Francis and all three Connecticut Lakes are now officially closed but Back Lake, the rivers and streams and the outer ponds are still open until the 15th.

Surfs Up!

The wind really kicked up  this morning and the rain came along with it. Needless to say, there are no boats on Back Lake today.  The wind (21 mph gusts) is making things extremely challenging, especially for our Fly Fishing School students. Luckily the instructors did the the casting session last night. Good call.

Fishing Update: 9/21

So, we’ve had some interesting weather the last couple of weeks. First, a lot of rain, followed by a period of beautiful weather, and now most days have contained at least a shower or too. At least it’s not snow …. yet.  The constant change in the weather has led to inconsistent fishing at times, but some of our guests have had great luck, on different water bodies in our North Country.