Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Year: 2012

Pittsburg Fishing Report 10/1/2012

There were lots of folks up this past weekend getting in their last few days of fishing before the close of the season. The big lakes, Lake Francis and all three Connecticut Lakes are now officially closed but Back Lake, the rivers and streams and the outer ponds are still open until the 15th.

Connecticut River Fishing Report: 9/27 Update

So we fishermen (and women) have merely 18 days left to the ply the water in search of trout and salmon in northern New Hampshire after today. Sad and amazing at the same time. Like time, it seems that fishing seasons march on faster and faster as we get older (and wiser) …

CT River Rainbow

Who needs to go on a “fishing destination” trip anyway?  We have some excellent trout and salmon fishing right here in northern N.H., and sometimes a beautiful rainbow trout is all that’s needed to remember just how great it can be.

Connecticut River Fishing Report: 9/5

The good fishing continues here in the north country, even after we received 2+ inches of rain last night. We needed it for sure, and it forced people to fish above major tribs, as they made the river south of those tributaries high and muddy, at least for a day.

Connecticut River Fishing Report: 9/3

It’s starting to look and feel like fall in the north country lately – there’s a few maples starting to change color along the river and in the high country, and there’s even been a few nights in the 40’s over the last week or so. This is the stretch run fishermen and fisherwomen, so you might want to think about coming up before it’s over!