Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Category: Trophy Stretch

Back Lake Fishing Report: 7/4

Happy Independence Day everyone – we hope that you’re enjoying it with family or friends and thinking about all of the reasons that the U.S. is a special place to be. With the hexagenia hatch on Back Lake all but a memory now, you would think that the fishing on our lake is in the doldrums … not so!

Water Needed …

To give you a little context with this picture, this was in an area along the Connecticut River to the south of Pittsburg, where I like to wet a line on occasion. The water flow was the lowest I’ve seen in this spot, but the log suspended in the tree was illustrative of the amount of water that was coming through this area at some point this spring – yeah, pretty amazing. Thankfully, we did get some rain yesterday, but we have a long way to go before the dam flows come up.

Upper Connecticut River Fishing Report: 5/17

The fishing season is definitely underway here in northern New Hampshire, though it seems to have gotten off to a slower start than we like. Still, there are signs of piscatorial life, and that is good news for all of us anglers. Long time TTL guest Marc Pipas caught and released this beautiful brown trout, under the expert guidance of Jon Howe.

Donate to the Pittsburg Anglers Association

Yes, the “greatest collection of fly fishing talent in northern New Hampshire”, the Pittsburg Anglers Association, held their annual meeting last week in preparation for the upcoming trout fishing season on the upper Connecticut River. As usual, discussions about the May stocking plan took place, as well as a few other exciting developments for the organization.

Connecticut River Fishing Update: 9/12

Merely thirty-three days left in the 2020 NH fishing season here on the upper Connecticut River. Sad to say, and even worse to think of. Everyone’s been asking how the fishing has been and it has been a mixed bag generally speaking. Some are catching some trout and salmon here and there, but it seems like many are struggling.

The question is “Why”?

Upper Connecticut River Fishing Report: 8/19

Summer keeps plugging along here on the upper reaches of the Connecticut River, and it won’t be long before we’re feeling the crisp fall air and all that comes with it. There have been some slightly chilly mornings lately, but the fishing remains pretty good nonetheless.