Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Category: Fun Stuff

Keep ‘Em Wet

We all love catching trout, but we also need to be aware of how to release them, especially in this year of low, and sometimes warm, water. The state of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife recently issued a release on how to help release those trout and salmon we catch in the warmer summer months.

Read on, fellow anglers …

Mixed Bag

I could get used to having springs like this in the north country. It has been magnificent weather in general in the northeast, but it seems especially refreshing this year. We’ve probably had it coming after what we’ve had to deal with over the last year, and “spring” can be a very fickle mistress in northern New England – lots of sun and warmth one day, and snow the next …

Donate to the Pittsburg Anglers Association

Yes, the “greatest collection of fly fishing talent in northern New Hampshire”, the Pittsburg Anglers Association, held their annual meeting last week in preparation for the upcoming trout fishing season on the upper Connecticut River. As usual, discussions about the May stocking plan took place, as well as a few other exciting developments for the organization.

September Float

It won’t be long now. The bell is soon to be tolling on the 2020 New Hampshire fishing season, as it closes at the conclusion of fishing hours on October 15. The days are getting shorter and there is a noticeable bite to the air, as autumn is coming in like a lion this year.

Fishing with Friends

There’s been more than a few solo fishing sessions for me this spring. While I tend to be a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to my fly fishing anyway (streamer fishermen have this habit of working a stretch of river, without other anglers on it), it’s been even more solitary it seems to me.

A New Take

Hope all of you readers are well and staying healthy through these strange times. The never-ending procession of “Groundhog Day” nights and days that we’ve had has probably made you wonder exactly what day of the week it is. Yes, that has happened to me as well. However, there are silver linings in what feels like an everyday zombie existence …