Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Tag: brown trout

Upper Connecticut River Fishing Report: 7/30

Hard to believe that we’re nearly in to August and that we’ve crossed the hump of the fishing season. Still, there are two and a half months of good fishing ahead and our weather over the next month or so may dictate what type of close we have to our season. While south of the notch has been extraordinarily wet in July, we have remained on the dry side in the north country – the Connecticut Lakes are low, and so is the river that flows out of them.

Keep ‘Em Wet

We all love catching trout, but we also need to be aware of how to release them, especially in this year of low, and sometimes warm, water. The state of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife recently issued a release on how to help release those trout and salmon we catch in the warmer summer months.

Read on, fellow anglers …

Upper Connecticut River Fishing Report: 5/17

The fishing season is definitely underway here in northern New Hampshire, though it seems to have gotten off to a slower start than we like. Still, there are signs of piscatorial life, and that is good news for all of us anglers. Long time TTL guest Marc Pipas caught and released this beautiful brown trout, under the expert guidance of Jon Howe.

Mixed Bag

I could get used to having springs like this in the north country. It has been magnificent weather in general in the northeast, but it seems especially refreshing this year. We’ve probably had it coming after what we’ve had to deal with over the last year, and “spring” can be a very fickle mistress in northern New England – lots of sun and warmth one day, and snow the next …

February Fish

I like winter fishing. The solitude is one great aspect of it for sure, as you’re probably not going to run in to too many other anglers out on the water. The ones you do make contact with are probably hearty souls, much like yourself – just getting out for a few hours respite from day to day life. Actually catching a fish is a bonus, and hopefully my brown trout from the other day was a glimpse of what is to come this spring.

Winter Water

It’s what we’re all looking for at this time of year, at least those of us that have already succumbed to the river’s calling. Yes, the fishing season on New Hampshire’s rivers has opened, and that means that the Connecticut River is once again open for business for us anglers. Even better yet, it’s catch and release (barbless hooks, artificial lures) from Murphy Dam going south to Canaan, Vermont for the next three months, so we can “educate” the fish for a little while prior to April 1.