Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Day: May 18, 2018

Ellis Hatch

New Hampshire, and the entire fly fishing world for that matter, lost a great one this week as Ellis Hatch, legendary fly tier, angler, and conservationist passed away. We got to know Ellis as a long time guest here at Tall Timber, and he was a kind, thoughtful gentleman, and we were fortunate to secure his fly tying services for our fly shop for many years.

Forget Something?

You’re on that long-anticipated fishing trip, you know, the one you’ve been looking forward to all year. You’re on the water and … it’s slow. You hear the stories from other anglers that seem to be doing pretty well, but you don’t quite have the right fly or set up for the situation at hand. Time is a wastin’ and how can you save this trip from going down as a forgettable one?