Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Month: June 2014

Upper Connecticut River Fishing Report: 6/9

I know … another fish in the net picture, but believe me, it was tough to manage a 2+ lb. Connecticut River brook trout in my net, my rod, my camera phone, and a cigar sticking out of my mouth all at the same time – this is the best I could do. This one (and the one before it) took a soft hackle hatching pupa trailing an olive woolybugger on a sinking leader on my switch rod.

Connecticut River Fishing Report: 6/1

Another class of fly fishing students graduated in to the world this weekend, thanks to the efforts of Angus, Alan and Dave. Everyone had a good time, studied hard, and some of them even landed a few trout, which, as we all know, is better on a fly rod!