Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

The River Wild

The normally placid Bridge Pool on the Connecticut River’s “Trophy Stretch” was anything but calm this afternoon.

Happy May Day everybody. With all of the protests around the world and country, we thought we might have one up here in Pittsburg, NH today.


The Connecticut River in northern New Hampshire is cooking right now – not only as our snow melt continues (yup, there’s still a bit of it left in the high country), but as we get another good dose of rain this week.

Flows are as follows, and subject to change.

2nd Lake Dam – 650 CFS

1st Lake Dam – 900 CFS

Murphy Dam – 1200 CFS

Lots of water, and nearly impossible to fish, unless you’re equipped with a heavy sink tip, big streamer, and a method to get your fly out “there”.

Perry Stream was high and muddy this first day of May.

We wouldn’t recommend it. Give it a break … wait for better weather which has to be coming to bring it down to a good wading level.

Perry Stream is high too, and as you can imagine it has created a muddy mess at Junction Pool.

Better days are coming …

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