Fly Fishing NH's Connecticut Lakes Region

Month: October 2012

Nulhegan River Fishing Report: 10/26

The New Hampshire fishing season is already closed but that doesn’t mean that fishing opportunities in the north country are all over. The Vermont fishing season is open until October 31, and with the great weather we had yesterday, my leaky waders and boots that need replacing were calling me again …

Connecticut River Fishing Report: Final Edition

It’s always with a touch of sadness that I get that last fishing excursion in on the river to close the season. The river looks a lot like how it does when we fish it in March and April – similar water levels (albeit much warmer), and bare trees along the river’s edge. It’s beautiful in it’s own way and merely two and a half months until we can whip fly lines on it again.

Pittsburg Fishing Report 10/1/2012

There were lots of folks up this past weekend getting in their last few days of fishing before the close of the season. The big lakes, Lake Francis and all three Connecticut Lakes are now officially closed but Back Lake, the rivers and streamsĀ and the outer ponds are still open until the 15th.